Connecticut Society of Genealogists
Annual Meeting
Saturday, May 18, 2024


Hilton Garden Inn Glastonbury
85 Glastonbury Boulevard – Glastonbury – CT – 06033
Open to the Public. You do not have to be a CSG Member to Attend

Schedule of the Day

11:00 am: Coffee and social time
11:15 am: Annual Meeting
12 noon: Lunch
1:00 pm: Door prizes
1:15 pm: Guest speaker Carol Ansel

Guest Speaker:

Carol Ansel
“How Long Has It Been Since You’ve Been to the Godfrey?”

Carol Ansel will present “the latest” at the Godfrey Memorial Library in Middletown, CT: services provided, some of their unique holdings, and a few interesting tidbits about their founder, Fremont Rider, as they near the library’s 75th year in operation.


Carol joined the library in July 2018 as the Reference Librarian. At the start of 2019, she was appointed Library Director. Carol has over 34 years of experience at various libraries in Connecticut and served for six years on the Connecticut Library Consortium board. A summa cum laude graduate of Connecticut College, she also holds an MLIS degree from the University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Library and Information Studies and has earned a Certificate in Genealogical Research from Boston University. At the Godfrey, she oversees a staff of experienced researchers and volunteers, including other graduates of the Boston University program.